COVID-19 Preventative Procedures and Policies:

Updated September 4, 2020

  1. A welcome station will be set up just inside the barn office, which will serve as the facility entry point, with hand wash or sanitizer for all persons to wash or disinfect their hands. 
  2. All riders can now arrive 30 minutes before their lesson to tack up and stay 30 minutes after their lesson to take care of their horse and equipment. If you prefer not to enter the stable or require your horse to be tacked and un-tacked, please let our office know and we will try and accommodate your request.
  3. There will be up to 5 students per each group lesson
  4. A maximum of 7 people (including staff) are allowed in the barn at one time.
  5. Everyone in the barn is required to wear a mask.
  6. There is a limited viewing area in the indoor arena. All parents in the arena are required to wear a mask.
  7. Only one parent/guardian is allowed to accompany a rider at one time 
  8. While on the property all visitors are to maintain physical distance of two meters in all aspects of operations.
  9. In order to minimize the number of people onsite we will implement a schedule that limits the amount of people allowed at the facility at one a time for riding or visiting
    a. Lessons/Visits are scheduled by appointment only.
    b. We will use a sign-in/out sheet so that the people can be easily managed, and, in the event of an outbreak, contact trace-back can be easily facilitated and contained 
  10. Restriction of all companion animals from visiting the property and visitors from having physical contact with farm livestock other than their own horse. 
  11. Avoid passing things from person to person (buckets, pitchforks and brooms). 
  12. All doors will remain open whenever possible, without compromising horse or human safety. 
  13. Change clothes, boots, and wash hands before coming to the farm. 
  14. Washrooms will be cleaned on a daily basis. We ask parents, after each use please help us keep surfaces sanitized by giving sinks and taps a quick spray with the bleach/water spray solution provided.
  15. Tack, equipment and clothing can be vectors of COVID-19. Please ensure your tack is cleaned using saddle soap after each use. Boarders; wherever possible we ask that you please use your own personal saddle pad, grooming kit, crop etc.
  16. Disinfection bottles with the appropriate disinfection products will be available to parents so that they can wipe down common surfaces such as chairs and benches before and after use. 
  17. Personal water bottles must be labelled and taken home after each visit.
All new and returning riders must also complete the Coronavirus Waiver before their first lesson and read the Earthbound Stables Riders Handbook.

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